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The PSHE curriculum (encompassing physical, social, health education) is broad and varied at Telferscot. With aims of equipping learners to be active citizens in the wider world and have high aspirations for themselves, our curriculum covers a range of topics which enable children to build on their learning year after year.



How PSHE is taught at Telferscot

The PSHE curriculum is taught weekly at Telferscot, throughout the school year. The curriculum is taught through distinct PSHE lessons. These focus on life in the wider world, health and wellbeing and relationships.  In addition to this, teachers conduct circle times where they are responsive to class needs and we subscribe to Votes for Schools for weekly discussion topics around current affairs (more information can be found at VFS (votesforschools.com). The breadth of this offer allows children to develop their confidence and learn vital skills for the future.




What our children learn about in PSHE


Autumn Term 

Spring Term 


Summer Term 

Core Theme 

Living in the Wider World 

Health & Wellbeing 




Rights & Responsibilities 

(Link to UNICEF Children’s Rights) 




Keeping Safe 

(To be taught in conjunction with E-Safety Planning) 

Healthy Lifestyles  


Valuing Differences 


Healthy Relationships/ 

Feelings & Emotions 

RHSE Christopher Winter Objectives 



Keeping Safe 

How to co-exist and be helpful. Why we need rules and give some examples. 



Accidents & Prevention 

What are accidents? Safe and unsafe places to play. 



Co-operative Learning 

Money comes from different sources and can be used for different purposes. Keeping money safe 

My identity and skills.  

Where children live and belong and what they can do. Awareness of skills and feeling good about themselves. 

Keeping Well & Clean 

Basic hygiene, how to keep ourselves clean. 


Special People 

Who are special people, everyone is different. Recognise similarities and differences in families. 



What friends are, communicate and show feelings, recognise how their behaviour affects others. 

Family & Friendship 

Caring friendships, being kind, families. 


Year 1 

Group and class rules; we are unique; people in our community. 

Looking after the local environment. 

Understanding where money comes from, how to use it. 

Rules for keeping safe online. Road, fire and environment safety. Knowing when to ask for help. 

Healthy bodies including dental health and how to keep ourselves clean. 


Sharing and discussing views and opinions. 

Similarities, differences.

Working together, resolving arguments. Special people, caring. Physical contact; acceptable & unacceptable.

Growing & Caring For Ourselves 

Different friends, growing and changing, families and care. 


Year 2 

Group and class rules; we are unique; people in our community. 

Looking after the local environment. 

Understanding where money comes from, how to use it & keeping track of spending/saving. 

Keeping safe in different situations; how to ask for help if they are worried about something; privacy in different contexts.

Healthy choices; different feelings; managing feelings


Respecting similarities and differences in others; sharing views and ideas 


Listening to others and playing cooperatively; appropriate and inappropriate touch; teasing and bullying  


Differences, male and female animals, naming body parts. 


Year 3 

Discuss & debate health & wellbeing issues. Appreciating the diversity of the UK. 


Rights and responsibilities around the home, school and environment.

Understanding the role money plays in their lives and how to manage their money. 

Online safety, personal information and passwords. Knowing when to ask for help. 

Making choices to ensure a balanced lifestyle. Role the media plays in images of ourselves.


People, identity, similarities, differences, equality; stereotypes 


Recognising feelings in others. 

Positive; healthy relationships and friendships; maintaining friendship; working collaboratively  

Valuing Difference & Keeping Safe 

Body differences, personal space, help & support. 

Year 4 

Discussion & debate about issues affecting them. Differences and diversity.


Learning about economic resources and how they affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment.


Money and budgeting, spending and saving.

Safety online, passwords, personal information and images. Managing pressure; peer & media.  

Balanced lifestyles, choices, health, diet, habits.  


Listen and respond effectively to people; share points of view. 



Keeping something confidential or secret. 

Acceptable and unacceptable physical contact. 

Growing Up 

Changes, puberty and healthy relationships 

Year 5 

Discuss and debate health and wellbeing issues. Rules and laws; changing rules and laws; anti-social behaviour; respecting and resolving differences.



Different rights; responsibilities and duties.

Importance of finance in people’s lives; being a critical consumer; looking after money; interest; loan; debt management of money; tax.  

Strategies for managing personal safety in the local environment; online safety; including sharing images; mobile phone safety. 

What positively and negatively affects health and wellbeing; making informed choices; benefits of a balanced diet; different influences on food; skills to make choices. Images in the media and reality; how this can affect how people feel.  




Listening to others; raise concerns and challenge. 


Responding to feelings in others. 

Actions have consequences of actions; working collaboratively; negotiation and compromise; giving feedback.  


Talking about puberty, the reproductive system, help and support. Respect & equality.


Year 6 

Discuss and debate health and wellbeing issues. Human rights; the rights of child; cultural practices and British law. Being part of a community; groups that support communities. Being critical of what is in the media and what they forward to others.


How resources are allocated; effect of this on individuals; communities and environment.

Enterprise, enterprise skills.

Independence; increased responsibility; keeping safe; influences on behaviour; resisting pressure; who is responsible for their health and safety; where to get help and advice 

Images in the media and reality; how this can affect how people feel; risks and effects of drugs. 


Listening to others; raise concerns and challenge. What makes people the same or different; recognising and challenging stereotypes; discrimination and bullying 

Different types of relationships; positive and healthy relationships; maintaining relationships; recognising when a relationship is unhealthy (including forced marriage); committed; loving relationships; marriage. Acceptable and unacceptable physical touch; personal boundaries and the right to privacy. 

Puberty, Relationships & Reproduction. 

Puberty & reproduction, communication in relationships, families, conception and pregnancy and online relationships.

Respect and equality.

How we enhance our children's experience of PSHE at Telferscot

Children’s experience of PSHE and the education of values is spread throughout the curriculum and extra-curricular experiences at Telferscot. Children are provided with opportunities to make an impact on the school; contributing ideas about how it looks and how it runs. Telferscot School Council meet to discuss ideas from their classes and these make differences. For example, feedback is taken on school dinner choices and this impacts the termly menus.

We welcome guest speakers throughout the year in assemblies. Recently, for example, children in KS2 enjoyed a visit from author Philip Laslett who inspired our lifelong learners to have high goals and aspirations.

Recent trips have included a virtual visit to parliament and workshops from companies such as Polka Theatre, whose workshops encourage resilience.

Outside of the classroom, children can engage with playtime clubs to further enhance their personal development such as mindfulness colouring. There are spaces for children to reflect such as the quiet garden and adults to talk to in shine time - which are sessions open to all children and run during break times.

Rights Respecting

We are a silver UNICEF Rights Respecting School which means children’s rights are taught through every topic, children are aware of their rights through classroom and whole school displays and we encourage them to become citizens of the world. Telferscot’s curriculum and it’s PSHE curriculum reflects this explicitly.


Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE)

As part of our PSHE curriculum, we spend six weeks in Summer 2 teaching pupils across the school, about relationships and health and in Year Six, children learn about sex.  


We have carefully developed our RHSE curriculum in accordance with government guidelines, ensuring we teach the statutory topics: relationships and health. We aim to teach these in a personalised and holistic manner. Through consultation with pupils, families and staff our RHSE curriculum is reflective of the changing world and equips children with the tools needed to understand and navigate it. You can read more about our RHSE curriculum and a written statement of our RHSE policy in our Relationships, Health and Sex Education policy, here.


Pupils start their school life learning about families and friendships, moving onto learning about healthy relationships and the differences between males and females including body parts. As pupils move up the school some of the key topics they learn about are: online safety, consent, puberty and respecting each other’s differences. 


Whilst sex education is not statutory at primary school, we have decided to teach it in Year Six. We believe it is important to teach pupils facts and build upon the science curriculum where they learn about reproduction. This prepares them for secondary school when sex education does become statutory.  


Please feel free to contact Miss Reid, the PSHE lead at rreid@telferscot.co.uk for further information.  


PSHE Long Term Curriculum

RHSE Long Term Curriculum