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PE and Sports Premium 2024 - 2025


Key Achievements to date/Things we did well: 2023-2024 

Current targets 2024-2025 

PE specialist company delivered a wide range of sports during PE lessons from Nursery to Year 6 


Successful dance lessons for KS2 children. 


KS2 children received swimming lessons  


Collate evidence of active travel to be used for TfL Stars award 


Took part in netball, hockey, tag rugby, swimming galas and football competitions throughout the year.  


Finished 3rd in the Saturday football league with the Y5+6 team 


Had great success competing in London Youth Games in netball and tag rugby. 


New equipment ordered for PE lessons, active play times and after school clubs. 


Completed a survey with our local community for Sport England and won £150 worth of equipment.  


Celebrated our children’s sporting successes for school and outside of school sporting commitments in the weekly newsletters.  


Classes engaging in daily physical activity including Daily Mile. 


PE Inset delivered to staff to encourage sport/physical activity during break and lunch times. This has been successful. 


Bike training has been very popular and ran smoothly at all levels 1-4 


Wide range of after school sports clubs.  


3 successful Sports Days for EYFS/KS1/KS2. 


Celebrated major sporting events i.e. Euros with related activities  


Children put forward for trials for the local district football team. 


Celebrate days with whole school initiatives such a National Fitness Day. 


New playground equipment bought and installed to promote healthy/physical lifestyles. 


Whole school assemblies used as a way of promoting physical well-being.  


External people to provide taster sessions for different sports i.e. Ultimate Frisbee 


3 successful Sports Days EYFS/KS1/KS2 


Conduct PE Pupil Voice session to gain children’s perspective across the school of the subject and how we can improve it.  

Athlete visit to deliver motivational speech to all children/workshops 


New PE specialist company to settle in and deliver high quality PE lessons. 


Change the sports being delivered (curriculum map) in PE lessons over the year.  


Continue dance lessons (street dance) with new PE Company. 


Continue swimming lessons 


CPD provided by the Sports Lead 


Sports Lead to go on CPD 


Continue raising the profile of sports/physical activity in our school community  


Continue with range of physical activity movement breaks at least once per day for each class via daily mile/fitness video/staff run activities. 


Organised sports activities/games during break times for children to improve passion for physical activity. 


Promote physical well-being/activity via assembly  


Continue with successful split Sports Days for EYFS/KS1/KS2 


Celebrate big sporting events across the academic year 


Conduct equipment audit to allow for new equipment to be purchased. 


Offer high level after school club sports 


Take part in competitions for greater depth pupils to challenge themselves.  


Whole school initiatives/charity events to raise profile PE/sport 


Achieve TfL Gold stasr award to expire in 2027, promoting active travel 


Taster sessions of sports outside our PE curriculum to broaden experiences.  


Promote opportunities to participate in sport outside of the school day. 


External tutors to come in and deliver bike training 


Offer sporting opportunities for PP children in the form of playing sport or watching live sport.  



Swimming at Telferscot 

Swimming lessons  

Weekly sessions at Clapham Leisure centre 

Meeting National Curriculum Standards for swimming and water safety 

Run by qualified instructors  

What percentage of Year 6 can swim confidently over 25m? 

98% (2024) 

What percentage of Year 6 can use a range of strokes effectively? 

96% (2024) 

What percentage can perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations 

90% (2024) 

Schools can use the sports premium for additional provision for swimming over and above the national curriculum requirements only.  How has this been used in this way? 

Swim galas and swim squad 



Key Indicator 1 The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – CMO* recommended that this is 30 mins a day in a primary school 




Breakfast club places held for children who need it 


Children start the day with a healthy balanced breakfast and energy to learn and stay focused 

Wide range of sports clubs provided  


Exposure to different activities that can interest and inspire active lifestyles 

Daily movement by each class for 10 – 15 minutes  


Healthy and fit children 

Bike training to encourage children to cycle to school and in holidays to promote cycling for families 


We are doing balance training for all EYFS children this will continue in 2023/2024 

Level 1 for Year 3&4  

Level 2 for Year 5& 6  

Walk to school programme to encourage family fitness/sustainable travel support school road closure to promote safer travel 

TfL Stars award gold accreditation  


Healthy lifestyle (links with PSHE and Eco) 

Playground equipment split up so that each year group has their own equipment and new equipment bought if needed. 


Audit required* 

Encourage activity 

CPD for staff to encourage break time activity and improve fitness 


NA (Led by internal PE Lead) 

Staff upskilled to organise games and get children involved in activity 

Sports Day 2025 - Hire of track for sports day activity so that pupils are experiencing a professional/purpose-built venue as part of PE curriculum.  




High profile event giving children experience using athletics facilities 

Promote opportunities to be physically active in our communications with families  




Increased time of physical activity outside of school 

Key Indicator 2 The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement 




Celebration assemblies and awarding certificates for sporting participation and excellence  


Celebrating achievement and inspiring others 

Football league on Saturdays for Y5 and Y6 boys and girls  

Netball league 

Swimming gala 


Competitive sport for most able children in sports 

Raise profile of PE and Sport with whole school initiatives in the form of charity events of other initiatives.  


Sport / active challenges to inspire children 

Sharing PE/sport information and the reporting of sport success in the newsletter 


Highlight sporting achievements to the whole community 

Celebrate National Fitness Day across the school 


Raising the profile of fitness 

Showcase PE and Sport through photos of children around school 


Raise aspiration. Highlight sporting achievement to all. 

Athlete visit to help inspire pupils 


Inspire children 

Celebrating sporting events in the world throughout the academic year 




Develop children’s knowledge and interest in sports at the highest levels 

New playground equipment installed  


Increased time of children being active 

Taster lessons of unique sports  




Open opportunities for children to be exposed to other sports 

Key Indicator 3 Increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport 




Have staff participate and watch the instruction of specialist teachers to upskill and broaden PE knowledge 



Upskill staff to apply knowledge when supporting / working with children 

Staff take children to competitions to gain experience and also take after school clubs to extend their knowledge and practice 


Develop knowledge of leading activities 

Staff Physical well-being improved with shared resources and sessions run for them to participate in 




Encourage health lifestyle amongst staff. Promote good role models. 

Start to take part in physical well-being sessions i.e. circuits and yoga as well as using popular fitness resources 


Positive attitude of staff to physical well-being passed onto children 

Key Indicator 4 Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils 




Continue with wide range of after school sporting clubs 


Exposure to different activities that can interest and inspire active lifestyles 

Swimming to continue throughout the year 

Top – up swimming lessons provided for those pupils that do not meet national curriculum requirements after they’ve completed core swimming lessons. 


Children to be confident swimmers by the time they leave the school 

Targeted offer of sports clubs to children who do not traditionally take part to ensure broad range of sporting experiences. 


All children have equitable access to sports 


Dance sessions to be offered in contemporary/street dance  


High quality provision for children 

Entering a wide range of sporting competitions 



Children have the opportunity to compete 

Taster lessons of unique sports  


Open opportunities for children to be exposed to other sports i.e. ultimate frisbee 

Reach out to local clubs i.e. martial arts gyms 



Provide accessible and wider range of sports 

Key Indicator 5:  Increased participation in competitive sport 




Funding of membership and participation fees for a range of competitive sporting activities 



Children have the opportunity to compete 

Funding of hire of sports track and the purchase of specialised equipment 


High profile event giving children experience using athletics facilities 

Organise fixtures with other schools outside of competitions. 


Children have the opportunity to compete 

Funding of team development (clubs) to facilitate competitive sporting activity 


Children have the opportunity to compete 

Opportunities for children to represent borough or local area in sports 


Children have the opportunity to compete 

Opportunities shared on weekly newsletter for children to take part in or join different sporting clubs/events 



Raise the profile of sports, leading to increase in interest and aspiration 



The total Spend on PE and Sport Premium for 2024/2025 is £19,300  

*Chief Medical Office