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Telferscot Primary School is a London Borough of Lambeth community primary school for children from 3 to 11 years old. We have been a school on this site for over 100 years of learning!

Tucked away in between Balham and Streatham we pride ourselves on having a ‘small school feeling’ rooted in a strong sense of community.  Everyone is welcome at Telferscot and we pride ourselves on being a school with a 'village feel' in urban London. We are a hidden gem – once you find us you will not want to leave!

The school is a two form entry school with 15 classes: the Nursery class followed by six Key Stage 1 classes: Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 then the eight Key Stage 2 classes years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Each year the school takes in 60 Reception children and fills any spaces throughout the school and we welcome both full and part time Nursery pupils

Reception class admissions

At Telferscot Primary School we have one intake into our Reception classes every September and our admissions process (and admissions appeals process) is managed by Lambeth Council Admissions Team. For starting Reception in September 2025 the application process will open in September 2024 until 15th January 2025. Applications must be made online using the eAdmissions website https://www.eadmissions.org.uk/

For families who live in Lambeth please visit the council's Primary School Admissions website for more information about the application process and Lambeth Primary Schools Lambeth Primary Schools Admissions. For families who do not live in Lambeth, please visit your home local authority's primary schools admissions web page.

Families who have accepted a place at Telferscot Primary School will be invited to an introduction meeting and an individual Induction Meeting with the class teacher before their child starts with us in September.  

Parent Tours

If you are looking for a school place for your child in our current Reception to Year 6 please contact the school office on office@telferscot.co.uk or call the school office to book a visit. 

We are running weekly tours for families interested in joining us in Reception in September 2025 every Friday morning at 9 a.m. from Friday 20th September 2024. Places on tours must be booked so please contact the school office on 0208 673 7362 or office@telferscot.co.uk. Please note there is no tour on Friday 1st November as school is closed for half term holidays.

We look forward to showing you around our wonderful school. 

Please contact the school office if you have any further questions.

Nursery Admissions

At our amazing Nursery at Telferscot Primary School, we encourage the children to learn through play and a range of creative topics. The Nursery Team are experienced in understanding the children's interests and using these to build on their knowledge and skills. The children are able to free-flow in our wonderful bespoke learning environment, either inside or outdoor, and have constant access to many different learning resources. This allows them to become curious and independent learners.

We offer places to children from the term after their third birthday, with an intake in September and January (where places are still available) every year. All parents of 3 year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free nursery provision. At Telferscot Nursery we offer families a flexible pattern for the 15 hours, set a term in advance. This means that you can have a mixture of mornings, afternoons and full days up to 15 hours and we try our best to accommodate the pattern you request.

Nursery hours, during term time only, are below:
Morning sessions - drop off between 8.40am and 8.50am and pick up at 12.00pm.

Afternoon sessions - drop off at 12.30pm and pick up at 3.30pm.

Please also note that we are unable to offer wrap around care to Nursery children.

Additional chargeable hours

You are able to request additional hours above the Universal 15 hours, if spaces are available, which are charged at £8 per hour. If your child attends Nursery for a full day, the supervised 30 minute lunch break is included in the total hours at Nursery.

30 hours free entitlement scheme

We are currently able to offer some places with the 30 hours free entitlement scheme. If you are eligible you will be issued with a DERN number which you must supply to the school office so that we can check your eligibility. Renewing eligibility for the 30 hours scheme is a parental responsibility and you will have to recheck your eligibility at regular intervals and the school office will remind you of this.

There are a set of criteria to qualify for the scheme and information on how to apply can be found at https://childcare-support.tax.service.gov.uk/par/app/extendedentitlement


The deadline for applications for admissions to Nursery is the end of the Spring term on 31st March - for admissions in the following September. You can download the application form here. Offers of school places will be made at the start of the summer term from mid April onwards. Our Admissions criteria for Nursery places is outlined in the school's Admissions Policy which can be found on the policies page (please see link below). Please return completed forms to the school office, either in person to Telferscot Primary School, Telferscot Road, SW12 0HW or by email to office@telferscot.co.uk

If you have any questions please contact the school office

In Year Transfers

Any families wishing to transfer to Telferscot Primary School during the school year or into Years 1 to 6 please contact us to find out more about us and arrange a visit. Applications must be made to Lambeth Council, or your home borough, and parents should contact Lambeth School Admissions for more information. 

You may also wish to read Lambeth Council's current admission arrangements here and our Admissions Policy for more information on how the admissions process operates at Telferscot.