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Pupil Wellbeing

At Telferscot, we are committed to ensuring the positive wellbeing of all of our students. To support this, we conduct weekly PSHE lessons and Circle time lessons where we discuss events that are taking place in the media, and develop our understanding of healthy lifestyles, relationships and looking after our mental health. We also ensure the physical wellbeing of our pupils through weekly PE lessons and our commitment to being a Healthy School.

Classrooms have 'Feelings Boxes' where children can post messages to their teacher if they feel they want to have a chat about something. Telferscot has two ELSAs, a Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead, a Play Therapist, a Pastoral Lead, and a Mentor who all support children across the school with a range of needs. The school also has a Behaviour and Wellbeing Consultant who provides training for staff in how they support children, as well as giving advice for parents and carers.  

