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School Improvement Priorities 24/25

Every year, all schools choose specific areas that they would like to develop and focus on. Following a school self-evaluation, along with feedback from parents, carers, children and staff, we have decided on the following school development priorities for this academic year:

1. Closing the achievement gap

Every year, this is one of our school development priorities. There is a national and local gap in the attainment of children from groups at risk of underachievement when compared with their peers. Without constant scrutiny, gaps can grow and children can end up working months, if not years behind their peers by the time they finish their secondary school education. We will continue to closely monitor the achievement of groups of children at risk of underachievement and allocate resources to ensure all children reach their full potential.

2. To further develop and embed the teaching and learning of grammar, punctuation and spelling

Telferscot children are very creative and are good at writing meaningful work for a purpose. We are aiming to further develop and embed the children's knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling in all their work to further improve the quality of their writing, particularly at greater depth.

3. To further develop the CPD offer for staff

We have a highly skilled staff team and it is important that we invest in them to further develop their skills in carrying out their roles. In addition to our usual programme of staff training, we will be identifying areas for further development for all staff members and providing support as necessary.

4. To further develop the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Early Years

Building on the development of Maths in Early Years last year, Telferscot has enrolled in a Mastering Number at Reception programme. This will provide the team with further training and resources that we look forward to sharing throughout this academic year.