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School Meals

Eating a hot school meal is a great idea. Our lunches are healthy, nutritious and offer you and your child a choice of options every day: meat, vegetarian, pasta or jacket potato, plus a choice of vegetables and salad and dessert

If your child has a special diet, allergy or diet restriction please check the menu below as allergens are listed against each dish. If your child has complex dietary needs please contact the school office. Where needed the children wear a small lanyard to ensure that they are served the correct meal and all staff know their dietary needs. The catering staff are friendly and get to know the children’s names and dietary needs quickly so the service has a family feel to it.


 Please see below menu from Monday 4th November 2024


telferscot primary school autumn 24 menu a3 .pdf



Making Meal Choices

Families are asked to choose school meals in advance every week using ScoPay, either online or via the ScoPay app. The menu for each week is displayed in the meal choices section on ScoPay. To help complete meal choices our 'How To' guides can be found below:

Paying for lunches

This academic year the Mayor of London is funding free school meals for all primary school children from Year Three to Year Six. Please see the Mayor's letter to families below.

Mayor of London letter to families regarding Universal Free School Meals

Nursery pupils are charged for school meals and payment is due in advance, by the latest on Monday morning, for the week ahead. Unfortunately credit is not offered by the school and arrears are not allowed to build up. School meals cost £2.50 per day.

You can pay for more than a week at a time (on a termly or half-termly basis) on Scopay. We are a cashless school and no longer accept cash or cheques.

If you accidently forget to pay you will be sent a reminder. Please remember to pay promptly.

Universal Free School Meals (UFSM)

Currently all children in Reception, Year One and Year Two automatically receive a free school meal which is funded by the government. You do not have to apply for access to these meals as part of the UFSM scheme, however if you believe you are eligible for free school meals then please still apply as it is important that we have the correct information in school.

Free School Meals

Even though families do not pay for school meals this year it is still important that we know if you would be eligible for free school meals because you have a low income or are in receipt of Universal Credit. If you think you may be eligible for free school meals please speak to the office staff for details of the information needed to check eligibility.