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School Opening Times


Breakfast club

7:30am - 8:00am - Arrive at main entrance on Telferscot Road


Morning drop off 

8:40am – 8:50am - Nursery children arrive at the Nursery entrance.
All other children arrive at the main entrance on Telferscot Road.

Compulsory start of the school day is 8.50am.

Afternoon pick up 

3:30pm - All children from Nursery to Year 6 are collected from the school playground which can be accessed from the main entrance on Telferscot Road.

Compulsory end of the school day is 3.30pm.

Telferscot After School Club (TASC)

5:00pm - 6:00pm - TASC (After school club) children collected from the main entrance.

The total compulsory hours provided at Telferscot in a typical week is 33 hours and 20 minutes.

School Office

8:00am - 4:30pm - for visitors and telephone calls. School can be contacted by email on office@telferscot.co.uk