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Special Educational Needs and Disability

At Telferscot Primary School we believe that all children are entitled to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.


All children are encouraged to achieve their full potential and to be included in the social and academic life of the school.  We aim to provide educational experiences that take into account the individual needs of all children, appropriate to their level of ability.

Teaching Assistants, supporting those with additional / special needs, are deployed throughout the school. At Telferscot Primary school support for children with additional / special needs is implemented through a wide range of interventions, supporting specific pupils. 

The school accesses local authority support and employs the relevant professionals to help identify, monitor and provide for those with additional / special needs. Support can also be accessed through Paediatricians, Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists, and CYPS (Children and Young People’s Services)

Additional funds are also used to purchase school based interventions to support the development of fine motor skills, mathematics, spellings, reading and dyslexia.

Find out more about SEN within Lambeth at younglambeth.org

Would like more information? Please see our SEND Q & As'


SEND Policy

Accessibility Policy and Plan