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Useful contacts for families

The Lambeth information, advice and support service (LIASS)

Provides parents and carers with what you need to know about your child's special educational needs at school or college

Tel: 020 7926 1831 or 02079269805

Email: lambethiass@lambeth.gov.uk

Lambeth ADHD Parent Support Group

Regular group meetings held across Lambeth. Meetings are held remotely every 2nd Wednesday at 7:30pm. Provides peer support and information for families affected by ADHD and other neurodiversities. Most meetings will host a professional speaking on topical issues for families.

Co-ordinator: Michele Reilly

Email: lambethadhd@hotmail.co.uk

Lambeth CAMHS

For information and referrals. Hosts termly ADHD information webinar workshops for families in Lambeth.

Co-ordinator: Lily (Assistant Psychologist)

Switchboard Tel: 020 3228 7370

Email: lambethsroms@slam.nhs.uk

Lambeth Parent and Carer Forum

A voluntary group of parents and carers of children and young people aged 0 to 25 with additional needs and disabilities. Provides opportunities for parents and carers to influence the decisions that affect their families and to contribute to developing services that meet the needs of their families.

Facilitator: Rosemary Merricks

Tel: 07903 248077

Email: info@lambethparentforum.com

Website: www.lambethparentforum.com